What is Arthurs default position regarding automation and what actions are provided

Modified on Wed, 20 Mar at 9:27 AM

For More Information on Automations…

Please view our YouTube page for videos on Automation:

Please view these Articles on our Knowledgebase: 

  1. Understanding Automations:https://www.arthuronline.co.uk/knowledgebase/understanding-automated-events-and-actions/
  2. How To Duplicate Automations From One Account To Another: https://www.arthuronline.co.uk/knowledgebase/how-to-duplicate-the-automation-set-up-from-one-account-to-another/
  3. How To Add an Action To a System Trigger Or Customized Trigger: https://www.arthuronline.co.uk/knowledgebase/how-to-add-disable-delete-an-individual-action-or-disable-all-actions/


Access Management

Access management allows for the creation of both digital and physical keys. Within the creation of physical keys, there can be multiple keys associated with a physical key. Each key can be checked in or checked out.

Access Keys (Individual) Expired


Applicants are prospective viewers who are interested in renting out at least one of your Units. Throughout the onboarding journey, Applicants can eventually be added onto Tenancies. Having all Applicants information streamlines the process of adding a Tenancy.  

Applicant added via Middleware – Applicant Email

Dear To First Name,  A new Applicant has been added to the system, please find their basic details below: Name: {{Person.Profile.label}} {{Person.Profile.last_name}} Email: {{Person.Profile.email}}

Applicant Updated via Middleware – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, An applicant form has been returned from {{Person.Profile.first_name}}  {{Person.Profile.last_name}}. Certificates Certificates can be added at Unit, Property or Tenancy Level. Uploading certificates is a great way to keep on top of your compliance. These are the pre-existing automations and actions already on Arthur. 

Certificates Added – Activity Log

A new {{CertificateType.name}} certificate has been added to the system. This certificate will expire on {{Certificate.expiry_date}}.

Certificates Expired Today – Property Manager Notification

{{CertificateType.name}} certificate for {{Property.Profile.address}} {{Unit.Profile.address}} expires today.  

Certificates Expires In 30 Days – Property Manager Notification

{{CertificateType.name}} certificate for {{Property.Profile.address}} {{Unit.Profile.address}} will expire in 30 days.

Certificates Expires In 7 Days – Property Manager Notification

{{CertificateType.name}} certificate for {{Property.Profile.address}} , {{Unit.Profile.address}} will expire in 7 days.


Arthur allows you to send messages to Tenants, Property Owners and Contractors within the web browser and also the App. This automated event sends you a notification whenever someone replies to your message thread.  

Comment Added – Recipient Notification {{CreatedBy.Profile.label}} has replied to your message " {{CommentRecipient.model_ids}}


Remitted To Property Owner – Property Owner Email

Subject: Your remittance has been completed today and will be sent shortly. Dear To First Name , Your remittance has been processed and your payment of {{Transaction.amount_net}} has now been made for {{Unit.Profile.address}}. Please do not hesitate to contact us should you require any assistance. Yours sincerely, {{Entity.Profile.label}


Part of what makes Arthur Online so great is that importing and inviting new contractors is easier than you might expect.  

Invite Contractor – Contractor Email

Subject: {{Entity.CreatedByEntity.Profile.label}} has invited you to our new management system. Dear To First Name, {{Entity.CreatedByEntity.Profile.label}} has invited you to use our property management system. With this unique mobile application you will be able to:

  • Receive jobs.
  • Accept or reject jobs.
  • Receive all information regarding the job including description, tenants details, address, access details and photographs.
  • Communicate easily to all parties.
  • Send quotes for jobs.
  • Invoice for the job.
  • Notify us of your work status and your services.
  • Keep records of paid and unpaid jobs.
  • Upload documents.

For more information on how to use the app please click here or watch this short video on how useful this contractor found the app.  To accept this invitation please click on the button below. Accept Invite Button Yours Sincerely, {{Profile.full_name}

Invite Property Manager – Property Manager Email

{{Entity.Profile.label}}  has invited to you to Arthur Property Management System. Dear To First Name  , {{Entity.Profile.label}}  has invited you to our Property Management System, Arthur. Please log in either on your mobile or on the web by simply following the link below. For more information on how to use the system please visit our knowledgebase where you can find articles and videos on a variety of topics. Yours Sincerely, {{Entity.Profile.label}}  

Invite Property Owner – Property Owner Email

Dear To First Name , {{Entity.CreatedByEntity.Profile.label}}  has invited you to Arthur, our property management system. With this unique mobile and web application you have the ability to:

  • View Work Orders.
  • Approve quotes from contractors.
  • View tenancy information easily.
  • View and download documentation.
  • View statements.

Please log in either on your mobile or on the web by simply following the link below. You can place an icon on your phones desktop for easy access. For more information please click here Yours Sincerely [[template:related_managers]] Accept Invite Button

Invite Tenant – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name , Please let me take this opportunity to welcome you to our new online management system, Arthur. Arthur will enable you to:

  • Access details about your tenancy.
  • Access your documents.
  • Raise and track any issues you may have.

For frequently asked questions please click here Once accepted, you can also download an app from the AppStore and PlayStore. Please search for Arthur Online Tenant Accept Invite Button Kind regards, {{Tenancy.Entity.Profile.label}


Notices can be served online with an automated accompanying email notifying the occupants of a notice. All accompanying documents are uploaded and shared with the tenants and any other invited chosen users such as letting agents and owners.  

Notice Added – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name  , A {{NoticeType.name}} notice has been added to your Arthur dashboard by {{CreatedByEntity.Profile.label}}, Date Served: {{Notice.date_served}} Expires: {{Notice.date_expired}} To see more information and to download the notice documentation please log into your account. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Regards, {{CreatedByPerson.Profile.full_name}}

Notice Expired Today – Property Manager Notification

The {{NoticeType.name}} for tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}} , {{Tenancy.renters}} expired today. Activity Log: The {{NoticeType.name}}  notice has expired for {{Tenancy.renters}} served on {{Notice.date_served}} expires {{Notice.date_expired}}.

Notice Expires In 30 Days – Property Manager Notification

{{NoticeType.name}} notice expires in 30 days The notice below expires in 30 days. Unit Address and Tenants: {{Tenancy.renters}} {{Tenancy.Unit.Profile.address}} Date served: {{Notice.date_served}} Date expires: {{Notice.date_expired}}

Notice Expires In 7 Days – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name To Last Name, The {{NoticeType.name}}  notice at {{Tenancy.Unit.Profile.address}} for tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}}  expires in 7 days. Should you have any queries please do not hesitate to get in touch. Yours sincerely.  


Property Created


Recurring Charges

Recurring Charges can be made against a tenancy, a property owner as well as a contractor.  

Recurring Ended – Property Manager Email

Subject: The recurring transaction for {{Tenancy.ref}} at {{Unit.Profile.address}} has been disabled. Please confirm whether this action was intended.  

Rent Review


Rent Review Added


Rent Review Completed


Rent Review Due Today


Rent Review In Progress


Recurring Charges can be made against a tenancy, a property owner as well as a contractor.  

Shared Report

Subject: The recurring transaction for {{Tenancy.ref}} at {{Unit.Profile.address}} has been disabled. Please confirm whether this action was intended.  



Property Manager Email

A reminder has been created for today, please find the relevant information listed below: Name: {{Reminder.name}} Description: {{Reminder.description}} Address:  To Address 1 To Address 2 To Postcode.

Property Manager Notification

Today’s Reminders: {{Reminder.name}}, "{{Reminder.description}} " for To Address 1  To Address 2  To Postcode.

Property Manager SMS

Reminder; {{Reminder.description}}

Property Owner Email

  Dear To First Name A reminder has been created for you today, please find the relevant information listed below: Name: {{Reminder.name}} Description: {{Reminder.description}} Address:  To Address 1  To Address 2  To Postcode Yours Sincerely, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Property Owner Notification

Today’s Reminders: {{Reminder.name}} reminder with description "{{Reminder.description}} " is due today.  

Property Owner SMS

{{Reminder.name}}  reminder with the decription " {{Reminder.description}} ".

Tenant Notification

Today's Reminder:{{Reminder.name}} reminder today with description "{{Reminder.description}}.

Tenant Email

Dear To First Name, A reminder has been created for you today, please find the relevant information listed below: Name: {{Reminder.name}} Description: {{Reminder.description}} Yours sincerely, #{{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenant SMS

Reminding you of {{Reminder.name}} "{{Reminder.description}} ".  


Setting up automations for rents can be extremely useful.  

Late Rent 14 Days – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name , TAKE NOTICE   I am becoming increasingly concerned over the rent for your tenancy being paid late.   Can I remind you when you signed the tenancy agreement you became contractually bound to pay the rent on the due date each {{Tenancy.RentFrequency.name}} . You have failed to maintain this commitment.   Given these circumstances, and in order to protect my business interests, I may have to consider taking whatever legal steps are necessary to regain vacant possession of my property. I very much hope this action will not be necessary but it can only be avoided by you paying {{Tenancy.rent_amount}}  on a regular basis in the future. OVERDUE BALANCE Tenant Overdue Transactions   I would, of course, be happy to discuss with you any difficulties over the payment of rent and look forward to hearing from you in this regard. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Late Rent 21 Days - Tenant Email

Dear To First Name  , RENT ARREARS – LEGAL ACTION PENDING   I am sorry to note you have not responded to my letter in connection with the rent arrears which currently stand at: Tenant Overdue Transactions I am therefore left with no alternative but to protect my business interests by starting County Court proceedings to have you evicted from my property at the earliest opportunity.  As I have already served the initial formal legal notice on you, I intend to make an application to the County Court for a Possession Order of my property.  You will be receiving a letter from the County Court about this in the next few weeks.   Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}   Notification: Your rent is now 21 days overdue, legal action is now pending. Please either contact us or settle this as a matter of urgency.

Late Rent 7 Days - Tenant Email

Dear To First Name RE: RENT ARREARS   I am sorry to note that I have not received your rent payment  which was due on {{Transaction.date}}. Your current overdue balance stands at; Tenant Overdue Transactions   It may be that there is some simple explanation for this and if so I ask that you contact me to explain as soon as possible.   If, on the other hand, you are currently experiencing financial difficulties please make contact with me.  I prefer to work with my tenants – but can only do so if they will talk to me.   I look forward to hearing from you within 7 days.   Regards,   {{Entity.Profile.label}}  

Tasks/Issues Created By Tenants

Tasks are created for solving or dealing with an event. Within the task are many functional elements available to aid its completion.  

Task Set To Live - Tenant Email

Dear To First Name Your issue "{{Task.description}} " has now been set to 'In progress'. To see how it is progressing please go to "Track Issue" on your account. The quickest way to communicate with us on the issue is via post a message inside the issue. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenant Raises An Issue – Property Manager Email

A {{TaskType.name}}  issue has been raised by {{CreatedByPerson.Profile.label}}  {{Task.ref}} Issue Description: {{Task.description}} Tenant who created the task: {{CreatedByPerson.Profile.label}} Tenant who created the task contact number: {{CreatedByPerson.Profile.mobile}} All tenants: {{Tenancy.renters_all}}

Tenant Raises An Issue – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name , Your raised issue {{Task.ref}} has been sent to the property manager. Please follow its progress via track issues on your account. If you have any questions please go into the issue and post a message. Please ensure your message is posted within the issue raised so that your property manager knows that your message is related to that specific issue. You will receive confirmation as to when this task is in progress. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tasks Created By Property Managers


Task Added – Email Assignee

A new task has been added for your attention: ref {{Task.ref}} raised by {{CreatedByPerson.Profile.label}} A new task has been added for your attention, please see the information listed below: Description:{{Task.description}} Task related to:{{TaskType.name}} Date created:{{Task.created}} Due Date:{{Task.date_due}} Status:{{Task.status}} Property:{{Property.Profile.address}} Unit:{{Unit.Profile.address}} Tenancy ref:{{Tenancy.ref}} Emergency: {{Task.emergency}}


Creating and ending tenancies can come with a lot of different factors. Using automations can streamline the entire journey, ensuring everyone is communicated with effectively.  

Move-In Date Confirmed By Contractor – Property Manger Email

Dear To First Name, The move in date for {{Unit.Profile.address}} has been confirmed as {{Tenancy.move_in_date}}.

Move Out Date Confirmed By Contractor - Property Manger Email

Dear To First Name, The move out date for {{Tenancy.ref}} , {{Unit.Profile.address}} has been confirmed as  {{Tenancy.move_out_date}}.

Tenancy Expiring – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name Your tenancy is ending on {{Tenancy.end_date}}. Please log in to your account and let us know what you would like to do using the tenancy end/extend my tenancy button. To see how, please click here . Alternatively please message us via your account or call. Regards {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenancy Expiring – Tenant Notification

Your tenancy is expiring on {{Tenancy.end_date}} you can request an extension of your tenancy via the app.  

Tenancy Expiring – Property Manager Notification

Tenancy at {{Unit.Profile.address}} will be expiring on {{Tenancy.end_date}}.

Tenancy References Set To Failed By Letting Agent – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, The referencing for {{Tenancy.id}} has been set to failed. {{Unit.Profile.address}} {{AgentEntity.Profile.label}}

Tenancy References Set To Failed By Property Manager – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name Unfortunately, your references have failed. Someone will be in contact shortly to discuss the next steps. Best wishes, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenancy References Set To Passed By Letting Agent – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, The referencing for {{Tenancy.id}} has been set to passed. {{Unit.Profile.address}} {{AgentEntity.Profile.label}}

Tenancy References Set To Passed By Property Manager – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name Congratulations your references have passed. Someone will be in contact shortly to discuss the next steps. Best wishes, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenancy Updated (Move In/Out Date) – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name , Your move out date has now been confirmed as {{Tenancy.move_out_date}}. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, {{Entity.Profile.label}} Dear To First Name  , Your move in date has now been confirmed as {{Tenancy.move_in_date}} . If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Yours sincerely, {{Entity.Profile.label}}  

Tenant Requests Ending Tenancy – Activity Log

Tenant at tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}}  has given notice to vacate on {{Tenancy.ending_date}}.   Tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}}  at {{Unit.Profile.address}}  has requested to end their tenancy on {{Tenancy.ending_date}}.  

Tenant Requests Ending Tenancy – Tenant Email

Dear To First Name, Your request to end your tenancy has been received. Someone will be in touch in due course to discuss the next steps. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us should you have any questions. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Tenant Requests Extending Tenancy – Property Manager Email

Tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}}  at {{Unit.Profile.address}}  has requested to extend their tenancy.

Tenant Requests Extending Tenancy – Activity Log

Tenant at tenancy {{Tenancy.ref}} wishes to extend their tenancy.

Tenant Requests Extending Tenancy – Tenant Email

Subject: Your request to extend your tenancy has been received. Dear To First Name  , Your request to extend has been received someone will be in touch shortly to discuss the next steps. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us should you have any questions. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}  



Tenant Covid Profile Updated – Property Manager Notification

COVID 19 profile update for {{Person.Profile.full_name}} in Unit Address , tenancy Tenancy Ref.

Tenant Requests Extending Tenancy – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, The COVID-19 profile for the above Tenant has been updated: COVID 19 update: Tenant COVID Profile  


Unit Set To Available To Let – Property Manager Notification

{{Profile.address}} is now available to let.  


Utility Reading Added – Utility Provider Email

To whom it may concern, Please find a new meter reading for the below unit. Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you require any further information or have any questions. Utility type:{{Utility.UtilityType.name}} Utility supplier:{{Utility.Provider.Profile.label}} Reading {{UtilityReading.value}} Date of reading:{{UtilityReading.date}} Unit address: {{Utility.Unit.Profile.address}} Your Sincerely {{Utility.Entity.Profile.label}} {{Utility.Entity.Profile.address}} {{Utility.Entity.Profile.email}} {{Utility.Entity.Profile.phone_mobile}}  



Viewing Added By Letting Agent – Property Manager Notification

{{Unit.AgentEntity.Profile.label}}  has added a viewing at {{Unit.Profile.address}}.

Viewing Added By Property Manager – Applicant Email

Dear To First Name  , This email is to confirm your viewing at, {{Unit.Profile.address}} on {{Viewing.viewing_date}} at {{Viewing.viewing_time}}. If you have any problems or wish to re-arrange a new date or time to visit the unit please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Viewing Added By Property Manager – Tenants Email

Dear To First Name  , This email confirms that we have an applicant who wishes to view the unit on  {{Viewing.viewing_date}} on  at {{Viewing.viewing_time}} . If you have any question please don`t hesitate to contact us through messages on your account. Regards. {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Viewing Added By Property Manager – Applicant SMS

Confirmation of your viewing at {{Unit.Profile.address}} on {{Viewing.viewing_date}} at {{Viewing.viewing_time}} . This is a one way only text.

Viewing Added By Property Manager – Property Manager Notification

A new viewing has been added to {{Unit.Profile.address}} for {{Viewing.viewing_date}}.

Viewing Updated By Letting Agent – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, {{Unit.AgentEntity.Profile.label}} has updated viewing details.

Viewing Updated By Property Manager – Applicant Email

Dear To First Name This email is to confirm your viewing at {{Property.Profile.address_name}}  , {{Unit.Profile.address}}  on {{Viewing.viewing_date}}  at {{Viewing.viewing_date}}. If you have any problems or questions please do not hesitate to contact us. Best wishes, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Viewing Updated By Property Manager – Tenants Email

Dear To First Name, This email confirms that we have an applicant to view your property {{Viewing.viewing_date}} on at {{Viewing.viewing_time}}. If you have any question please don`t hesitate to contact us through messages on your account. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}  

Work Orders

A work order is the digital equivalent of a worksheet to be given to a contractor to carry out work.  

Contractor Creates Invoice – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, A n invoice has been raised by {{WorkorderInvoice.contractor_reference}}  for work order {{Workorder.ref}}.

Contractor Creates Invoice – Property Manager Notification

Contractor {{Entity.Profile.label}} has issued an invoice {{WorkorderInvoice.ref}} for workorder {{Workorder.ref}}

Contractor Invited To Work Order – Contractor Email

Dear To First Name  , A new job has been added by {{Workorder.Entity.Profile.label}} To accept this job please login to your dashboard or use the buttons below to accept or turn down. For further information please visit our contractor user guide. Workorder Description: {{Workorder.description}} {{Workorder.ref}} Address: {{Workorder.Unit.Profile.address}} {{Workorder.Property.Profile.address}} Regards {{Workorder.Entity.Profile.label}}  notification: A new job is now available reference {{Workorder.ref}}  from {{Workorder.Entity.Profile.label}}

Contractor Provided Work Order Quote – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, {{WorkorderEntity.Entity.Profile.label}}  has provided a quote for workorder {{Workorder.ref}} Amount {{WorkorderQuote.amount}} Description: {{WorkorderQuote.description}}  

Contractor Set Work Order To Completed – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, Workorder {{Workorder.ref}}   "{{Workorder.description}} "  has been set to completed by  {{Entity.Profile.label}}. email tenants: Dear To First Name The contractor has completed your job. If you have any concerns post a message via track issue or contact us directly. If I don`t hear with 7 day I will assume all is well. Regards {{Workorder.Entity.Profile.label}}  

Contractor Set Work Order To Completed – Property Manager Notification

Contractor {{Entity.Profile.label}} has set workorder {{Workorder.ref}}  to completed.

New Work Order Added – Property Manager Notification

A new workorder has been created for {{Unit.Profile.address}}

Property Manager Accepted Quote – Contractor Email

Dear To First Name Your quote has been accepted the job has now been set to live. Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Regards, {{Workorder.Entity.Profile.label}}  

Property Manager Set Work Order Invoice To Paid – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, The workorder invoice {{WorkorderInvoice.ref}} for workorder {{Workorder.ref}} has been set to paid.

Property Owner Accepted Quote – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, Workorder {{Workorder.ref}}  quote provided by {{WorkorderEntity.Entity.Profile.label}}  was accepted by {{Workorder.Unit.OwnerEntity.Profile.label}} Quote Amount: {{WorkorderQuote.amount}} Quote Description: {{WorkorderQuote.description}}

Property Owner Rejected Quote - Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, Workorder {{Workorder.ref}}  quote provided by {{WorkorderEntity.Entity.Profile.label}}  was rejected by {{Workorder.Unit.OwnerEntity.Profile.label}} Quote Amount: {{WorkorderQuote.amount}} Quote Description: {{WorkorderQuote.description}}

Require Approval From Property Owner - Property Owner Email

Dear To First Name  , Your approval for a workorder quote is required for a workorder ({{Workorder.ref}} ) {{Entity.Profile.label}} has raised. Please log in to your dashboard to view the incoming contractor quotes to accept. Regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Work Order Accepted By Contractor To Quote – Contractor Email

Dear To First Name, The contractor will now add quotes to the workorder. Workorder quotes will be emailed directly to you and are available in the dashboard under the workorder {{Workorder.ref}}. Best wishes.

Work Order Assigned To Contractor  - Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, A workorder has been assigned to a contractor, please find the relevant details below: Property: address: {{Property.Profile.address}} Unit Address: {{Unit.Profile.address}} Tenant: {{Tenancy.renters}} Contractor: {{EntityAssignedTo.name}} Description: {{Workorder.description}} Service type: {{ServiceType.name}}

Work Order Assigned To Contractor  - Tenant Email

Dear To First Name A contractor has been assigned to resolve your issue {{Workorder.ref}} Company: {{EntityAssignedTo.name}} Phone: {{EntityAssignedTo.Profile.phone_work}} To contact your contractor it is more efficient to do so through your Arthur account by posting a message through your issue. If you are not contacted within 24 hours please contact the contractor direct. Kind regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Work Order Assigned To Contractor  - Contractor Email

Dear {{EntityAssignedTo.name}} , Full details of the job can be obtained by logging in to your Arthur account. Job reference: {{Workorder.ref}} Unit address:  {{Unit.Profile.address}} Property Manager: {{Entity.Profile.label}} Description {{Workorder.description}} Kind regards, {{Entity.Profile.label}}

Work Order Cancelled - Contractor Email

Dear To First Name, The job offered against the property in {{Unit.Profile.address}} has been cancelled. Cancelled Notes: {{Workorder.cancelled_notes}}

Work Order Declined By Contractor – Property Manager Email

Dear To First Name, A workorder has been turned down, please find the relevant information listed below: Unit: {{Workorder.Unit.Profile.address}} Workorder ref: {{Workorder.ref}} Description: {{Workorder.description}} Contractor: {{Entity.Profile.label}}}  

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